Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a collection of common questions and answers that user may have as they use Feedmesh. If you are unable to find the answer to your question here, please do not hesitate to email us at

When you add a feed it takes up to 15 minutes for it to be processed by our system. Please be patient as our crawler processes the feed for the first time.
Feeds that have no items in them after a long period of time generally means there is something wrong with that feed and our crawler cannot process it. The most common issue is that our crawler cannot find, or cannot interpret, a valid publish date for the articles in the feed. This could be due to the formatting of the date or that it is in a language not known by the crawler. This is a current limitation and we are exploring options to work around this issue.
We do our best to attribute a main image to the article you are reading, but some articles are not published with images or the images on the page are not suitable to be used with the article. In this situation, you will not see an image.
We do our best to display the full text, readable article. Sometimes our full text crawler is unable to accurately capture the article presented on the site. In this situation, the text will not look properly formatted. If a large number of your feeds exhibit this issue, we recommend turning off this feature in your account settings.
If you would like your account deleted and removed from our system, you may log into the Feedmesh Android App, navigate to settings, and select the "Delete Account" option. Alternatively, you may email us at and provide the email address you used when registering. Deleting accounts is permanent, non-reversable and removes all personal and activity data from Feedmesh systems.